Frozen In Time


The embrace of this band means a lot to a guy in no way labeled […]
By Grigoris Chronis
July 20, 2005
Obituary - Frozen In Time album cover

The embrace of this band means a lot to a guy in no way labeled as a 'Death Metal fan'. Hellhammer/Celtic Frost did something disgusting in the mid-to-late-80's and Obituary shaped it one Ocean away, crossing the fiery path of creating something interesting; along - of course - with Death, Morbid Angel, Sadus etc. I think Obituary - judging by their attitude - must be the kind of band you like for an unknown reason, even if you hate this style. I barely hear any bad comments; Florida and gore takes it all...
In 1989 it was not that established to label yourself as addicted to zombies, maggots, flesh and mutilations. Even if no one needs a bio for this deranged quintet, I have to say - or I'll burst in unholy pieces - that Obituary never called it quits, in my mind (I don't know if they called it quits, anyway). When you see the fans' T-shirts across the street, every time a killing tune is heard in the city's Metal club, the pleasure in the pronunciation of the name... Obituary is a 'principle' for Death Metal fans and - thus - Frozen In Time is a long-anticipated album that must be treated with endless respect and objectiveness. We owe them a lot 'till now, they owe us anything good that follows with this release.
Statistics: If you feel Obituary are among your Top 5 Death Metal bands, do not even waste your time reading the shit I'm writing... If you - on the other side - include Obituary in your personal hate list (someone in Norway did this in the late 80's, naming them posers... you know where he rots right now) Frozen In Time won't calm your feelings. The task is to think what I could say to the rest of the target group?
A questionnaire. Good idea...
Q1: How 'cool' is the cover?
A1: Better than so-and-so. Too sunny for Obituary but - as mentioned on the promo CD sticker - it's not finalized. Why don't you take a look above in the page?
Q2: Is it the original lineup?
A2: Again, take a look at the page above... (Don't think you ever imagined Daniel Tucker would be back...)
Q3: Duration, please?
A3: The usual Obituary stuff. 34:23. Hope THIS will come out in vinyl...
Q4: Is it Death Metal?
A4: You bet your liver it is!
Q5: Is it old school D.M.?
A5: Hmm... It could be, still the band knows it's 2005 and would like to 'add' some e.g. Six Feet Under fans - they've already been added, anyway, I guess.
Q6: The sound/production?
A6: The natural follow-up to Back From The Dead (1987), bearing in mind this is 8 years later. In addition, does 'Morris/Morrisound Studios' tell you something?
Q7: The players?
A7: I think the whole band is in very good shape, the chemistry is - of course - evident and the 2004/2005 tour was a benefit for them, in a way that they conquered the studio afterwards to write killer material with brutal energy!
Q8: So, the material?
A8: Redneck Stomp, the opening tune, is a three-minute instrumental track that has the ability to set you inside the picture. From On The Floor to Lockjaw - the remaining album, in other words - it's typical Obituary we're talkin' about. Maybe in less speed, but surely the familiar groovy way.
Q9: Is this good or bad? Or both?
A9: Surely it's good, you don't want pioneers of a certain sound to change their style. The only problem is - to my ears - that all songs sound quite alike. I remember myself decoding each Obituary album after only 3-4 auditions. Here, I had a problem... I don't think this will disappoint the vast majority of followers; still I had to state it. Some short of safe mode...
Q10: What about poetry?
A10: No lyrics - as always? - included, and Tardy is definitely not a 'crystal clear' voice. I assume he's not talkin' 'bout love...
A discussion can always go long, its own way. Hence, to cut a long story short, Frozen In Time is the album you'll finally purchase even if you think about it for a month. As for me, I'm extremely anxious (from now) for their next effort, since they - possibly - did the right move with F.I.T. (you need something 'safe' to put you back on the map again) but later on they'll be forced to clear out what the intension is for this 21st century comeback. Till then...

7 / 10


"Frozen In Time" Track-listing:

Redneck Stomp
On The Floor
Back Inside
Stand Alone
Slow Death

Obituary Lineup:

John Tardy - Vocals
Donald Tardy - Drums
Frank Watkins - Bass
Trevor Peres - Guitar
Allen West - Guitar

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