Love And Other Lies


The band are giving “Love And Other Lies” the honour as being named their debut. And what a debut it is.
May 29, 2024

This is a really weird one to review. LIFESICK is a Danish Hardcore band that has made an EP with only parts of that music style on it at all. But, first off, how interesting is it that a band that is colouring its music so far outside the box can be signed by a Metal institution like Metal Blade. But then again , I have never heard any of their earlier music, so it could make more sense than I get from the EP “Love And Other Lies” that I am currently trying to describe. Yet again, when I read the information on the band’s website, this is their debut. I can only say kudos to Metal Blade for taking these guys on.

Some nine years after being formed LIFESICK has finally been able to record three songs, clocking just under 12 minutes. The band are giving “Love And Other Lies” the honour as being named their debut. And what a debut it is. Opening song “Every Unpleasant Emotion” is a heavily emotional song that could have easily fit on the NICK CAVE album “Murder Ballads”. It is also the lengthiest of the three tunes. Depression is the emotion on hand, and the band does it justice extremely well. Thankfully the second song “Rude Awakening” sings from a very different hymn sheet. It is fast and furious, surpassing the Hardcore scene when they go really fast. It is almost like Grindcore in those moments, only in a controlled manner. Being the shortest of the three songs on “Love And Other Lies” it is also the most impressive musically.

Closing title “Reverse Birth” is a mix between the first two, with the majority of the influences coming from the second song on this EP. It is also the one with the most palpable Hardcore feel and intensity. As a whole “Love And Other Lies” will get LIFESICK noticed by those who are willing to think outside the box. And I don’t care if you are a Hardcore enthusiast, a Heavy Rocker, a Metal fanatic of lover of more speedy stuff, you need to give this a listen. Yes, I concur that LIFESICK will not be for everyone, but I feel that you need to give them at least one listen to find out where your mind is at. It actually worked for me, so why wouldn’t it do the same for you?

8 / 10









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"Love And Other Lies" Track-listing:


1. Every Unpleasant Emotion
2. Rude Awakening
3. Reverse Birth


Lifesick Lineup:


Simon Shoshan: Vocals
Nicolai Lindegaard: Guitar
Nikolai Lund: Guitar
Jeppe Riis Frausing: Bass
Jeppe Løwe: Drums


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