
Gaggle Of Cocks

Gaggle Of Cocks, what can I say about them? The first time I heard this […]
By Ian Kaatz
August 26, 2005

Gaggle Of Cocks, what can I say about them? The first time I heard this name I laughed because the name is pretty ridiculous and it also reminded me of The Revolting Cocks which features Ministry frontman Al Jourgensen. They also described themselves as Trash Metal and frankly I would have to concur, there is no way other to describe them.
They did not send a bio with the demo, so there is no bio. All I know is that they are from New York and that this album was actually released 3 years ago.
This music is definitely trashy in the way that the riffs and vocals sound together. Honestly I am not a big fan of the vocal styling here. It is a very rough and gritty sound. With some singers that sounds good to me, but with Pat it just does not sound right. The music is not that complex at all, though that does not mean that it is awful sounding. I just don't think this band is my cup of tea. I think the singer tries too hard to sound like Rob Zombie or Al Jourgensen.
One thing I did like about the album was the bass playing. The bass has a very nice groove to it, once again not real complicated but it has a nice groove.
In conclusion, I did not enjoy this album very much at all. It basically sounds like a version of Rob Zombie or Ministry without the industrial effects and not as good. Granted I am a fan of both of the bands previously mentioned, but this release is just sub-par. So fans of Zombie or Ministry may wanna check them out, but it is not mandatory.

2 / 10

What the Hell?

"Americantras" Track-listing:

Horse 44
King Mr. Porno Cock
(Breathe) Suffocation
American Trash
Bomb Me
My Little Hell

Gaggle Of Cocks Lineup:

Pat - Guitar & Vocals
Freddy - Bass
Jarrod - Drums
Beertruck - Bass on Horse 44

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