
Cattle Decapitation

Oh Lord...not another supposedly extreme and ''seriously twisted'' Death/Grind band. I've had enough of this […]
By Thodoris Pantazopoulos
July 28, 2004
Cattle Decapitation - Humanure album cover

Oh Lord...not another supposedly extreme and ''seriously twisted'' Death/Grind band. I've had enough of this kind of bands that try desperately and stupidly to exceed the repulsion limits instead of practicing hard to deliver some good music.
Cannibal Corpse is extreme, Morbid Angel, Pig Destroyer and Napalm Death too, but apart from being ''monsters'' of musicianship they've also composed some serious shit and not just containing it in the artwork like these guys. You know something? That's exactly the reason why Cattle Decapitation liberally attempts to convince us about their ''perversed'' image. Because they can't do the same thing for their music; it's more than obvious that it sucks donkey balls.
Even the most shaking fart from Azagthoth's ass would sound better compared to the pitiful riffs inside Humanure. Noise, hubbub, annoyance and in the end (in fact quite earlier) a glorious knockout for the poor listener who keeps his finger very close to the ''stop'' button from the 1st track of this album.
No, I won't stop here. It's just not enough. If you had the chance to see the band's vocalist posing with a cow's decapitated head, like I did, you wouldn't take a rest from making fun of them either. Gee! I'm so impressed! How did he do that? I bet that he has also cut off his barbie's tits, posing for the monthly magazine ''Bad Motherf****r''.
Your image stinks, your music is so close to be described as rubbish and though this is your 4th album you still manage to sound and look like 12 year old cretins that recently discovered the ancient art of masturbation. No more comments...till the next one...

2 / 10

What the Hell?

"Humanure" Track-listing:

Scatology Domine (Intro)
Reduced To Paste
Bukkake Tsunami
Cloacula: The Anthropophagic Copromantik
Applied Human Defragmentation
The Earthling
Lips & Assholes
Men Before Swine (Outro)

Cattle Decapitation Lineup:

Travis Ryan - Vocals & Guitar
Josh Elmore - Guitar
Troy Oftedal - Bass
Michael Laughlin - Drums

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