Private Party

Bad Boy

For more than 4 decades, Bad Boy has been writing music, getting airplay, reviews and […]
June 10, 2024

For more than 4 decades, Bad Boy has been writing music, getting airplay, reviews and still playing Rock and Roll. Must be something in the blood. Bad Boy is a legendary hard rock band from Milwaukee Wisconsin USA that signed their first record deal with United Artists in 1977. Founded by Steve Grimm, John Marcelli, Joey La Vie, and Lars Hanson their first two albums reached the top 100 on the Billboard national music charts. In 1980 the band signed with Streetwise Music and with two new members Scott Stephan on guitars and Hector “Jackie” Ramos on drums released the band’s third album entitled “Private Party” in 1981. The Saga continues with this re-release that is frozen and stands the test of time. Recorded at the Playboy Club in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin by soundscapist Andy Waterman. This album is strictly limited to 300 copies and is disc number six in the Pride & Joy Classixx series which has been remastered for this release which also includes the bonus track “You And Me Against The World”.

Private Party” is a mixture of classic 70's rock with pop & glam elements thrown in for good measure. The intro then follows straight into “Run For Yourself” which has a early sunset strip glam element to the melody, a prominent deep bass line with guitar runs and riffs.” Don't Pretend” has a more bluesy seventies classic rock feel to it .”Can't You See” has a more pop rock element to the sound, a catchy chorus and structure to the arrangement. ”Have I The Right” on listening sounded very familiar to me so on researching I found that it is in actual cover version of a British band called The Honeycombs from 1964 which was their debut single! A great catchy sing-a-long pop rock track. ”How Long” and “Let Me Love You ” are just tracks which just have that late 70's,early 80's middle of the road easy listening rock tempo, a steady melody a nostalgic listen. ”Come With Me”, ”Come A Little Bit Closer” and “Here I Am” are just mediocre tracks in which I can hear elements of early Queen and Thin Lizzy which all have some good hooks and melodies but just fall short of the mark of their musical peers, they just don't have the same delivery or conviction about them or instant likeability. ”Private Party” is a great hard rock party anthem, which has a catchy melody ,chorus, instantly likeable for me the best track on the album, ”You And Me Against The World” a bonus track thrown in for good measure is another track which again has that classic 70's rock sound which finishes the album tamely.

Bad Boy “Private Party” is an album which will only appeal to fans of the band who grew up listening to them, who were unable to get a copy back in the day, or for the avid CD collector. Its limited to 300 copies and I doubt its of any value or very sought after Personally I liked some of the tracks like the opener “Run For Yourself”, ”Can't You See”, “Private Party” and “Have I The Right”. It was just missing that fire, that spark and flare that other bands from that era had, which enabled them to go on to be more successful, Its not a bad album but its not a classic album either just average.

5 / 10









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"Private Party" Track-listing:

1. Intro/ Run For Yourself

2. Don't Pretend

3. Can't You See

4. Have I The Right

5. How Long

6. Let Me Love You

7. Come With Me

8. Come A Bit Closer

9.Here I Am

10.Private Party/Closing

11.You And Me Against The World (Bonus Track)

Bad Boy Lineup:

Steve Grimm – Vocals,Guitar and Keyboards

John Marcelli -Bass and Vocals

Scott Stephan – Guitars

Hector “Jackie” Ramos – Drums

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