MYRKUR: Premieres New Music Video via NPR

This week, one-woman black metal projectMYRKURsharedthe music video for her single "Nattens Barn" via NPR, […]
September 26, 2014

This week, one-woman black metal projectMYRKURsharedthe music video for her single "Nattens Barn" via NPR, who've noted that"Somewhere between the folk-based black metal of Ulver's Bergtatt and the weightless shoegaze of Cocteau Twins liesMYRKUR."Watch the video at NPRHERE."Nattens Barn"comes fromMYRKUR's debuteponymous EP which is out now on Relapse Records.MYRKURcombines the rawness of second wave black metal bands with a natural sonic, ethereal beauty and has created a wholly unique perspective on the genre.

It's a feminine yet definitively brutal record that has burst onto the scene like a Valkyrie into battle.Purchase the EP via RelapseHERE, and at BandcampHERE.

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