BACKYARD BABIES: Goes Ape Over Bear Graphics

Backyard Babies will be back in full raw power 2015, and Björn "Papa Bear" Rallare, […]
November 20, 2014

Backyard Babies will be back in full raw power 2015, and Björn "Papa Bear" Rallare, the graphic designer and founder/CEO of HOMBRE Productions Inc., is the graphic designer they choose to work with.

Björn have been doing almost all graphics for Dregen for years and have a good understanding from both a graphic and band point of view of the graphic needs of a band like Backyard Babies.

"One of the reasons I got in touch with Dregen to begin with was that I also run a record label and work very close to bands. I know the whole chain of needs, and working for Dregen have been a lot of fun, we share the same graphic references to 100%." Björn says.

Backyard Babies are working on a new album, the first gig being the starting point for them after the break will be at Sweden Rock next year. Before that a single and video will surface so it will not be long until graphics start to surface.

"With one foot in the classic rock expression, but still got the ability to make it look 2015, Björn always goes the extra mile. We both consider album covers as form of art. Not a small icon in the corner of your phone." Dregen says.

The graphic work from Björn can for example also be found on book covers and on t-shirts in stores like JC and Carlings.

"I am really glad to be working with these guys, I have a lot of respect for them on so many levels, I even did a video for one of the bands I release with Peder Carlsson behind the camera. They are multi talented dudes." Björn continues.

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