
Raising Fear

Raising Fear come from Italy and it's a proven fact that this country not only […]
By Panagiotis Koutsompogeras
February 1, 2005
Raising Fear - Mythos album cover

Raising Fear come from Italy and it's a proven fact that this country not only has a good car industry or extra juicy women but also cool Melodic Power Metal bands. They seem to be an upcoming force of Italian Power Metal key-holders but they need more time of course to prove their whole talents and skill. The truth is that you won't find something extremely unique here, but on the other hand the music is very well played and delivered in an interesting way.
They mostly invest in melodic (harmonic in certain cases!) guitar solos, diffuse lyrical atmosphere and of course fierce double bass drum playing! The vocal lines are not bad but they could accept certain improvement at certain points. Mythos contains nine original compositions about the gods, heroes and deities from all over the world plus a cool cover on N.W.O.B.H.M. diamond Angel Witch. If you consider yourself to be a Teutonic Metal lover then this is the band for ya man! The band comprises elements from Warlord and Armored Saint, regarding their American Power Metal influences, and elements from Grave Digger and Accept, regarding their European Metal roots. Someone could suppose that this is (in general words speaking of course) a concept album since all the songs refer with extra lyricism and melodies to ancient God-related issues. The cover artwork (too much LSD maybe!), was designed by Diego Ferrarin (White Skull) and helps the listener enter the band's musical brain and understand the purpose of their musical approach more easily. The coolest songs someone may point out are Charon, Thorr, Theseus and Angel Witch amongst others. You won't get extra mad about this record, or tear your clothes apart - I mean it is an honest musical proposition without something extremely unique in it.
Old school Metal fans and Power Metal - must have it all - fans will find Raising Fear very interesting indeed and must invest in them! For the rest, a previous soundcheck of Mythos would prove to be useful!

7 / 10


"Mythos" Track-listing:

The Goddess
Angel Witch

Raising Fear Lineup:

Rob DF - Vocals
Alberto Toniolo - Guitar
Yorick - Guitar
Frana - Bass
Cristian Galiberti - Drums

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