Healing Through Fire

Orange Goblin

English cult stoner freaks ORANGE GOBLIN come back from their nebula of heavy slow rock […]
By Panagiotis Koutsompogeras
July 1, 2007
Orange Goblin - Healing Through Fire album cover

English cult stoner freaks ORANGE GOBLIN come back from their nebula of heavy slow rock and roll insanity to throw a visit in our planet and then safely return to their own nest of dreams and imagination. I always took seriously into consideration my doctor's advice to eat as many oranges as I could - due to their rich content of the so valuable, water soluble, extra-sensitive so called ascorbic acid or vitamin C if you prefer  - but I think eating so many oranges makes you have those orange orgasm-dreams and musical compositions as these guys have, don't you agree?  
"Healing Through Fire is a descent record - direct and honest, which justifies the characterization of being cult as a band for ORANGE GOBLIN, yet it is not their most breakthrough album. You will have a fine time listening through it - especially if you like the genre and maybe a chance to overcome life's daily problems - but will not feel that special as ...uh ...you felt, let's say when you would listen to their "Time Travelling Blues album.
Anyway this CD is slow, heavy, has nice muscular vocals, the bass is crawling and the drumming is cool. The production is stoner type and doomed to be catchy. ORANGE GOBLIN will not have much difficulty proving out who they are, since this album once again is based on their ancient roots. All the feeling you get when you listen to classic stoner album are self evident once again here. Like walking in the desert, feeling numb and drunk or lost all the time and many more LSD based and derived feelings. Well I think this covers it up. Nice played, traditionally composed in the goblin way stoner based heavy rock music, not so many surprises , a bit boring moments here and there but if you bite this album and stay in the cloud of stoner rock for a while it surely is a nice experience.
Some of the most stoned - stoner cult pieces of this album are the following ones: "The Ballad Of Solomon Eagle, "Vagrant Stomp, "They Come Back (Harvest Of Skulls) and "Beginners Guide To Suicide. Maybe black is our favourite colour but in the case of these guys I think that orange marks the spot! Roll On!

7 / 10


"Healing Through Fire" Track-listing:

Track Listing
The Ballad Of Solomon Eagle
Vagrant Stomp
The Ale House Braves
Cities Of Frost
Hot Knives And Open Sores
Hounds Ditch
Mortlake (Dead Water)
They Come Back (Harvest Of Skulls)
Beginners Guide To Suicide

Orange Goblin Lineup:

Ben Ward - Vocals
Joe Hoari - Guitar
Pete O'Mally - Guitar
Martin Millard - Bass
Chris Turner - Drums

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