Albedo Adaptation


Miosis is constriction of the pupil of the eye. This is a normal response to […]
By Grigoris Chronis
January 27, 2009
Miosis - Albedo Adaptation album cover

Miosis is constriction of the pupil of the eye. This is a normal response to an increase in light but can also be associated with certain pathological conditions, microwave radiation exposure and certain drugs (source - Wikipedia). As irrelevant as this definition may be, there's a certain link to the music of MIOSIS, on second and deeper thought. The Swedish Prog Rock/Metal quintet releases its debut proper album in January 23rd, 2009 via the established Lion Music label.
MIOSIS had already released the Konvolut EP when approached by Lion Music to ink deal for a full-length CD. Devoted fans of moody 'Prog' music and influenced by the likes of bands as RADIOHEAD, TOOL, KATATONIA and PORCUPINE TREE, the band - as I had the chance to find out - received warm reviews all over the word, now having a grand motive to continue working on a more stable tracklist for a full CD. The result, Albedo Adaptation may apply to some 'wide horizons' metalheads' taste, hence the brief review below.
Seven tracks for 51 minutes, you get the picture? Albedo Adaptation was the name of the second EP from SOMA, the band that evolved into MIOSIS. Albedo Adaptation offers a mix of depressing and poetic moments of lucid music with enough dynamic parts, a typhoon of TOOL-alike tempo changes and some healing vocals presenting profound expressionism. Repetitive moments throughout each song mark the mindful look of MIOSIS in the depths of human soul congregation and trance. The fluent guitar themes render an aggregate amalgam of emotions that fans of PORCUPINE TREE or current ANATHEMA may weigh in favor.
Traditional Prog Rock/Metal followers will not possibly find many things to dig in Albedo Adaptation since MIOSIS is a Swedish band with a 100% current 'prog' smell in songwriting, sound and tactics. Close-to-perfect musician ship, dozens of 'new era' production elements and an atmosphere you can't resist if keen on the psychedelic side of progression in Rock/Metal music. Convinced? Proceed to checkout only under this condition.

"Albedo Adaptation" Track-listing:

State of Lacuna
Once Divine
Our Floods
The Lucid

Miosis Lineup:

Erik Skoglund - Vocals
Henrik Von Harten - Guitar
Mεrten Bergkvist - Guitar, Synth
Mattias Axelsson - Drums
Mikael Mangs Edwardsson - Bass

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