Janne Kosonen


Truth be told, the Finnish NECROPSY have never been one of the lions of Death Metal, yet they remained constant, even though not released their debut up until 2011, which was released three years after their comeback. Due to the compilation release of their old demos, via Century Media, Spyros talked with Janne Kosonen, the lead guitarist, about the reformation, history and their future. 
By Spyros Stasis
July 15, 2013
Janne Kosonen (Necropsy) interview
Hi Janne! First of all thanks for finding the time to do this interview, it is really appreciated man! NECROPSY first started back in 1987 but it is not until recently that you guys decided to reemerge, so would you like to introduce the band?

Thank you for this opportunity to answer to your questions. Current line-up is: Tero Kosonen: Vocals, Janne Kosonen: Lead Guitars, Sami Heinonen: Lead Guitars, Ville Vartiainen: Bass and Hannu Väänänen: drums. Necropsy reunited in 2008 and in 2011 we finally got out our first full length album.

Going back a bit why did NECROPSY decided to call it a day in the first place? And especially at a point when it seemed like everything was coming together for you goys after releasing an EP and the split with DEMIGOD.

We were really close to our first full-length album. For some reason, part of the band's members began to trouble the lack of interest. There were no cell phones, so it was really frustrating when some of the guys did not come to the agreed rehearsals etc. The second reason was probably that the drummer Ville Raitio left the band in 1992 and guitarist Aatu Holma in1993. Both times it seemed that the work must start from the beginning. I was 11 years old when I started the band. I had used up all my time and resources to the band for so long. In 1994, I turned 18 and I became more interested in other things like alcohol and girls etc.

So can you tell us a few things about how you guys decided to resurrect NECROPSY, just because it took you quite some time to release your debut album (the excellent "Bloodwork")?

We talked with Tero many times that we would put the Necropsy back together. We could not find suitable guys to play in the band. We had been so long out of the scene, that we did not know the right people who would be interested in playing Death Metal with us. Anyway, one day we realized to ask from our old buddies Ville and Hannu, with whom we were played in with different music in the past. Also Aatu Holma promised to get back in the band. What sparked our interest seriously, was that a lot of people were asking on the internet and directly from us what happened to Necropsy. Also some of our old songs started to appear on YouTube.

In the current lineup of NECROPSY the originals members is just you and Tero (Kosonen, vocalist of the band) while the rest of the musicians have been introduced to the line up after 2008. How is it working out and are you happy with the current line up?

I'm totally satisfied with current line-up. All the members are my very good friends. Ville and Hannu I've known for years, and Sami is working with me in the same company. I like the spirit that is within the Necropsy. Everyone does their work really well and in their own way.

The "Tomb of The Forgotten" release is probably one of the most complete compilation albums I have heard and it is an absolute beast, congrats on that by the way. Was it difficult to get all the tracks together from the different demos, EP and split in order to release them?

Yes, it contains almost everything that we have done with Necropsy at studio. We were so young back then that we haven't money to pay the master tape. So, we had those songs only on the c-cassettes with the exception of "Another World" and "Go all the way of flesh" demos, but the master tapes were gone over the years so poor condition that they could not been used. All material found from me and Aatu. I doubted at first whether they can do anything decent from c-cassettes, but CM did a really good job in mastering.

Also how did the whole process of rereleasing these songs bring back memories from these days? Can you give some of the background of how the recordings were done back in the day, for instance where were the demos actually recorded?

All the material has been recorded at 8-Studios, city of Lahti. It was eight track studio until 1991. "Another World" was the first demo, which we recorded with sixteen tracks. Studio located in our home town youth center premises.

Well, of course these kinds of things arouse several feelings. Mostly good ones. You know, how easy life was back then, you didn't have obligations almost at all. You could put all your time and energy to the band and playing. Things were so simple. But on the other hand, it brings up also thoughts about aging and mortality. After all, over 20 years has passed since those days.

Century Media Records released the "Tomb of The Forgotten" compilation if I am not mistaken. How was it working with them and are you happy with the end result?
Yeah, DMS mastering studio did excellent job. We agreed with Philipp Schulte at Century Media that the sound should be as original as possible and I think they succeed better than I expected.
Out of curiosity, which label are you currently signed to? Is it Tritonus Records (that released "Bloodwork") or Century Media?

We signed a deal with Xtreem Music for one mini cd and one full-length. Our new four piece mini cd "Psychopath Next Door" comes out during this summer. Second full-length album in 2014.

How does the creative process work in NECROPSY? Is it you writing the majority of the songs or is it more of a collective process? Also are the newer members also heavily involved in the songwriting for NECROPSY?

All our music come into being in my garage. Where we train. In practice I create the riffs and the base of the songs, then the other guys invent their things.  Then we arrange the idea together. Everyone can express their opinion and I think that is the difference between Old and present Necropsy. I guess I was a pretty dictator back in the old times, but it worked.

Are you guys currently working on a follow up album for "Bloodwork"? I guess if you are then after listening back to the "Tombs of The Forgotten" compilation the new album is going to be really fucking old school.

Yes, we are working new material for our forthcoming full-lenght. Through lack of time it`s a bit slow. I'm a father of two little boy. Hannu, Ville and Sami plays in their other bands. I think that tendency will be like minded to our forthcoming ep but surely we fit something new to our music. But definitely it will be old-school Death Metal.

There seems to be a revival in the old school death metal scene of Finland recently don't you think? CONVULSE has reunited, the same for ABHORRENCE and PURTENANCE and at the same time new bands such as VORUM, DESOLATE SHRINE, LANTERN and KRYPTS are joining the scene. First of all what is your opinion on the newer bands? And do you think that Finnish death metal is probably at its strongest right now?

Many bands has been reformed and I think that is a great thing. What comes to the newer bands I haven't listen to them so much. Vorum is cool. My favorites are still the same ones than in the nineties. Finnish Death Metal has always been a strong foothold in a worldwide metal movement.

Do you have any future gigs planned for NECROPSY?

These summers festivals are gone for us unfortunately, so we have to turn our eyes to next autumn and winter. Let`s hope that we get our chance to play outside of Finland someday.

All right Janne! Thanks again for finding the time to answer my questions. Wish you all the best with NECROPSY and hopefully I will either see you playing live at some point or hear some new material from you guys. Take care!!

Thank you very much!

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