Below The Summit


How much anger and frustration can you put into your music? Especially if you hail […]
By MetalWim
August 27, 2023
Sinnery - Below The Summit album cover

How much anger and frustration can you put into your music? Especially if you hail from Tel Aviv in Israel. A city in a country where there is always some kind of strife, something heavy going on. It makes you understand the feeling of letting loose of all your inhibitions and emotions. Well, to answer my question, it must have been a lot, if you listen to "Below the Summit", the latest EP by SINNERY. After their sophomore record "Black Bile", released in 2022, they felt the need to flood our sense in a mere 16 minutes of Thrash Metal Mayhem. And I can only say that they have succeeded. Just for the record, their debut album "A Feast Of Fools" was let loose on the world in 2016. That is some four years after the band got together, so at time of typing this review SINNERY has been active for some eleven years.

Like I said, this is Thrash Metal pur sang, but of the fast, furious and angry variety. SINNERY definitely aren't here to take any prisoners. No, they are here and have come in for the kill. And I personally love every second of "Below the Summit". Even the slower pace that the band are using on the aptly named last song of the EP, "Serene", is precisely what the song needs. And it still is a hard-hitting song, that punches you in your gut with full force. So, if you are one of those people who are more into the Melodic side of Thrash Metal, you should wear a harness when you try and have a listen to "Below the Summit". If you are one of those who love it fast and without prejudice, go ahead, and immerse yourself in the full-blown blast of aggression that SINNERY is pouring out of their red-hot cauldrons.

I lately find out I have missed a lot of good music over the years, but I always console myself by admitting that it is nigh on impossible to keep up with all the interesting Metal music that is being released every year. So, the thing for me to do now is find the earlier recordings of SINNERY and form my own opinion concerning the question if they have improved over the years, or if they have always been this overwhelming. In the latter case, I shall punish myself for missing out until now. Oh, by the way, this EP is to be released by Exitus Stratagem Records on September 29th 2023. Something to look out for. And also, the video accompanying this review is off their latest full-length album "Black Bile", as at the time of writing there was no video of any of the songs on the EP available.

8 / 10









"Below The Summit" Track-listing:

1. Somber
2. An Ode (Knife Of Erato)
3. We Just Want You To
4. Share This
5. Serene

Sinnery Lineup:

Alon Karnieli - Vocals, Guitar
Idan Kringel - Guitar
Saar Tuvi - Bass
Liam Fine - Drums

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