Come, Sweet Death


Swedish Death Metal band IMPERISHABLE enters full speed ahead with their first full-length album "Come, […]
By Leslie-Ann Ang
May 17, 2023
Imperishable - Come

Swedish Death Metal band IMPERISHABLE enters full speed ahead with their first full-length album "Come, Sweet Death" following their two 2023 single releases "Venomous" and "The Perennial Desire," both included in the tracklist. Formed in 2021 in Göthenburg, Sweden, the band continues to rise through Hammerheart Records, and they have established themselves with a sound that brings you back to the golden age of Swedish Death Metal. The LP is set to be released this June.

IMPERISHABLE's opening track "Venomous" will tell you what to expect for the rest of the album.  The near 45-second intro sets the tone for Henke Skoog's vocals, and it is sure to grab your attention. I'm always a fan of well-sampled audio as used in "Teeth of Hydra" since it can make or break a track, but "Vertiginous" and "Deathspawn" stole the show for me. This album will surely be memorable for anyone who is already a fan of death metal or who is just getting into it. Each track lays down the signature heavy drops and combines it with a fast-paced, almost theatrical melody. Even for those new to the genre, IMPERISHABLE is a great band to invest time in to understand why and how the discography coming out of Sweden is a staple for fans.

"Come, Sweet Death" is an iconic first album that alternates between raw elements of metal and winding melodies. The band's ability to draw attention from the start and through each track is a feat not easily accomplished. IMPERISHABLE is introducing us to a new evolution of the Swedish Death Metal sound. 

10 / 10









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"Come, Sweet Death" Track-listing:

1. Venomous
2. Infernal Lust
3. The Perennial Desire
4. The Phantasm
5. Vertiginous
6. Teeth of the Hydra
7. Deathspawn
8. Fangs
9. Prelude
10. Come, Sweet Death
11. Once my Eye Moved Mountains 

Imperishable Lineup:

Henke Skoog - Vocals
Robin Holmerg - Guitar/Bass
Niklas Holmberg - Drums
Christopher Hjelte - Guitar

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