Sacred & Profane


Depending on what source you query, this band is either a Symphonic Metal band, and/or […]
April 18, 2023
Oryad - Sacred & Profane album cover

Depending on what source you query, this band is either a Symphonic Metal band, and/or a Progressive Doom Metal band. They formed in Denver, Colorado in 2018, and this album is their debut full-length. The album has ten songs. "The Path: Part I" is the first. Dark piano tones open the song, with very pretty female vocals and some symphonic elements. Moira's vocals are quite striking...she sounds like an opera trained singer. "Scorched Earth" rumbles in with a heavy, punishing riff and backing symphonic elements. The song has a pretty strong structure for an independent band. Some of the riffs miss a bit, but the song as a whole is rich, catchy and longing.

"Blood" begins with a fancy display of piano notes and other more ominous tones. The mood is dark, and there is a storm rolling in. This song is a notch better in terms of production, emotional quality, and over composition, and man can Moira sing. I can feel the blood flowing where the river once was. "Lilith" begins with a tense, but charming sound that eventually relaxes. Catchy elements roll in, and the album just keeps getting better. This song will invigorate you with its energy. "Eve" goes to the other side of the coin...the darker and more mysterious side. Cold winds howl all around. This song is strong on both the emotional side as well as pure might and power.

"Alchemy" has more sultry tones, as Moira changes the style of her vocals. As the title suggests, the song is all about the magic of chemistry. The vocals tease with some sexy tones, while the music plays well in support. "Wayfaring Stranger" has a more delicate and strained sound, chronicling the journey of a subject who is hell bent on reaching his destination. I can't say for sure, but I feel that the stars are on their side. "Through the Veil" begins with pretty strings and whispered vocals. As it moves, there are no guitars, no bass, and very little drums. Instead, it's just vocals, piano, and symphonic elements. There is a heavy crescendo at the end which is very nicely done. "Slice of Time" is that deep and heavy growl that you were hoping for. It moves quickly, and stealthily over a bed of heavy riffs and intense vocals. The band has a commanding power at its fingertips in this song.

"The Path: Part II" closes the album. It's a dark closer, reminding you that the path you choose in life can determine the outcomes. In my experience, Symphonic bands with a very strong female lead like this band sometimes have a group of musicians who aren't as good. That is not the case here. For an independent band, they are actually quite polished, and all of the rich, full tones are carefully thought out in terms of placement, and create a synergy in the end that is catchy, and pleasing. Will someone please sign this band?

8 / 10









"Sacred & Profane" Track-listing:

1. The Path: Part I
2. Scorched Earth
3. Blood
4. Lilith
5. Eve
6. Alchemy
7. Wayfaring Stranger
8. Through the Veil
9. Slice of Time
10. The Path: Part II

Oryad Lineup:

Adam Sanders - Bass
Matt Gotlin-Sheehan - Drums
Luca Grieman - Guitars
Moira Murphy - Vocals, Keyboards

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