Inmate 13

Lost Asylum

Born in 2015, UK Hard Rock quintet LOST ASYLUM are here to help you get […]
By Kevin Lewis
April 16, 2023
Lost Asylum - Inmate 13 album cover

Born in 2015, UK Hard Rock quintet LOST ASYLUM are here to help you get into a good mood by serving up catchy hooks and killer melodies. With a vocal performance that ranges from nice cleans to gritty screams and tunes meant to catch your ear, this is a record that will leave you with a stiff neck. Inmate 13 was self-released on March 25, 2023. With only four songs and taking just 16 minutes, LOST ASYLUM does not have a lot of time to impress you. Fortunately, they take full advantage of the time they have and show you they really do know how to rock. "Follow" is the lead track from the EP, and it starts the record off with a bang. The riff is catchy and the rhythm fits the riff like a glove.

"in My Sights" is a bit heavier, using rougher vocals to give the song a harsher feel. At just under three minutes, this is the shortest song on the record, and it is immediately followed by the longest song, "Enemy," at just over six minutes. These two songs combined show the heavier, almost Sludge Rock influence in their sound. The chugging riff can best be described as "low and slow." To close the record out, "Dysfunctional Me" has more of an upbeat tempo, but not by much. There is faster, higher end guitar work, driving the song a bit more up tempo than the previous tracks. The song still definitely sounds like it fits on the record.

LOST ASYLUM has a distinct sound and feel that come through with crystal clear clarity. They know exactly who and what they are, giving you four songs that let you know they like the darker edged Hard Rock. This is not Hair Metal or Glam Metal, it's intense, driven, Hard Rock that will draw you in with heavy riffs and catchy rhythms.

8 / 10









"Inmate 13" Track-listing:

1. Follow
2. In my Sights
3. Enemy
4. Dysfunctional Me

Lost Asylum Lineup:

Ryan O'Donovan- Vocals
Dave Tucker - Bass
Danny Wilder- Drums
Darren Potts- Guitar
Steve Clark - Guitar

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