This Epileptic Serenity


Ah... the band's home-base brings in mind such sweet memories. Kilkis, a nice city in […]
By Michael Dalakos
March 25, 2007
Infravision - This Epileptic Serenity album cover

Ah... the band's home-base brings in mind such sweet memories. Kilkis, a nice city in the North of Greece is a place where I spend half of my military obligation towards mother Greece. Yes such lovely memories... anyway I assume that you are more interested learning about this band than my glorious days in the Greek army so lets get it on!
INFRAVISION is a three piece act and This Epileptic Serenity is just a fragment from the band's debut-soon-to-be-recorded album (actually they only wait for a record label to move on). This also has to be the only piece of evidence for their existence since there's no mentioning about previous recordings or live activity (maybe they have done something on local level).
Well this two-tracks sampler is rather interesting. A mixture of extreme, technical death metal blended with industrial elements and keyboards that can bring in mind several U.S. (ok maybe MNEMIC as well) acts dedicated in the extreme acts. Its more than obvious that the boys have really worked hard upon those two compositions: every instrument is in order and the oh-so-easy-to-sound-meaningless style they have adopted sounds quite compact and orthodox in its insanity.
Definitely an act to look out for? Hope to hear a full length spin really soon.

"This Epileptic Serenity" Track-listing:

Synthetic Plasma

Infravision Lineup:

Kosmas Hiolos - Guitars, Bass, Vocals
Kostas Vasilakis - Keyboards
Grigoris Vasilakis - Drums

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