Terror Succeeds


Let's welcome one more child of the Swedish Death Metal scene. Impious deeply influenced by […]
By Stathis Giannakopoulos
March 20, 2001

Let's welcome one more child of the Swedish Death Metal scene. Impious deeply influenced by the Swedish Death Metal ( In flames, Dark Tranquility) and some thrash bands ( Slayer, old Metallica) created a very good album which is not original but it has passion and power.
The guys play very good death/trash mixed smart melodies. I have heard many new releases which sound like this and definitely this album by Impious is one of the best. I really like the raw guitar parts which are really aggressive and powerful. Along with the thundering drums they manage to create a solid sound. The bass is also very good. So we have great guitars and a proper rhythm session. What do we need now? Good raging brutal vocals. Well, we have that too! They have speed, they have melodic parts, they have everything a Swedish Death Metal fan wants. The production is very good and it adds some points to the whole album. The guys are young and I don't think that they are experience but hell, they know what they play and they love it. I feel that they don't want to copy something but they play this kind of music 'cause they love it. You can understand that. I did.
I can't find more words. This is my tenth review for this update and I'm really tired. If you like Swedish Death Metal then you should buy this CD at any cost. One of the best Swedish Death Metal albums of the year.

8 / 10


"Terror Succeeds" Track-listing:

Terror God
Nuclear Storm Demise
The Punishment
Dimension Hell
Black Death
The Loss Of Life
Nightmare Resurrection

Impious Lineup:


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