Breaking The World


POUNDER are effectively a side project for the three guys at the bands core, all […]
January 10, 2021
Pounder - Breaking The World album cover

POUNDER are effectively a side project for the three guys at the bands core, all of whom have a much heavier background, playing in bands like EXHUMED and CARCASS, but have a shared love for the Metal played in the NWOBHM style, including Tom's involvement with NWOBHM alumni ANGEL WITCH. However on this their 2nd full length album, the influences seem a bit wider, adding a distinctly early 80s American Metal flavor to the mix.

Those who know the aforementioned bands will might be expecting something a bit different from these 7 songs, no death grunts, no wall of noise, nothing extreme, just twin guitar goodness, basslines and clear precise drumming and Matt Harvey's clear, all be it slightly rough round the edges vocals, the end product being some heavy slabs of old school Metal with the odd touch of Speed thrown in for good measure.

"Spoils Of War", the opening track is a heads down, powerful no nonsense traditional opener, whereas title track "Breaking The World" is more of a brooding track in its style, but with a more modern feel to it.  "Hard Road To Home" has a more melodic rock feel to it.  Less British Heavy Metal, more of a State-side early 80s feel to it giving it a certain bounce, my track of the album.

Don't be fooled by the very 80s keyboard sound of the intro, "Never Forever" rocks!  With decent twin guitar licks and an almost Hair Metal chorus, it is a good fun tune.  "Hard City" , for me at least is the least strong track.  It asks a lot of the vocals, which for me don't quite pull it off.  Musically it's OK, it just isn't floating my boat in the same way as the others.

"Give Me Rock" gives me a bit of a Y&T vibe.  Again the main vocals are the weaker link here, the backing vocals on the other hand work excellently. Good but not stellar track.  But then "Deadly Eyes" seems to play to the bands strengths.  The heavier faster, guitar driven sound works brilliantly, as does the vocals, the ragged edge to Matt's delivery suits the song much more. A great closer to the album.

So generally a real good and fun throwback to Metal days gone by with just a couple of miss-steps, but good enough to make me want to dig out some of my old MWOBHM albums, strap on the bullet belt and leather gauntlets and rock out!

8 / 10









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"Breaking The World" Track-listing:

1. Spoils Of War
2. Breaking The World
3. Hard Road To  Home
4. Never Forever
5. Hard City
6. Give Me Rock
7. Deadly Eyes

Pounder Lineup:

Alejandro Corredor - Bass, Backing Vocals
Tom Draper - Guitar, Backing Vocals
Matt Harvey - Guitar, Vocals

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