Scythed Wings Of Poisonous Decay


Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: NEXUL; signed via Iron Bonehead […]
December 8, 2020
Nexul - Scythed Wings Of Poisonous Decay album cover

Metal maniacs, rejoice! I am proud to present to you: NEXUL; signed via Iron Bonehead Productions, performing Blackened Death Metal, on their debut EP entitled: "Scythed Wings Of Poisonous Decay" (released December 4th, 2020).

Since formation in 2011; the quartet in question have a Demo entitled: "Nexulzifer" (released August 23rd, 2013), a debut album entitled: "Paradigm Of Chaos" (released July 28th, 2017) and this here debut EP entitled: "Scythed Wings Of Poisonous Decay." 8 tracks ranging at around 36:18; NEXUL arrange an intricately designed formula of some heavy-hitting Blackened Death Metal developments.

Opening up with the blasphemous atmosphere within the satanic ritual engulfed in: "Thy Terror"; which sets the stage for a bludgeoning assault on Blackened Death Metal vehemence, until the unearthing onslaught of amplified distortion and gnarly gravitation that trailblazes with some savagely sinister noise terror. "Reflected In Glaring Eyes" unleashes this riveting manifestation on monstrously meaty profanity; rawly rough speed, merged with volatile mayhem ...conjures a blistering attack on boisterously bouncy frenzies in extreme but chaotic maelstrom reverberation. A contorted flamboyance on stampeding madness that will possess you to raise demonic but hellish lunacy upon these rotting chasms in Earth's deepest hemisphere. Crunchy aggression implodes into eardrums with sonically seamless momentum, thunderous yet tempestuous voracity viciously swamps speakers with weighty tightness & rampant severity.

Consisting of N. Bhairava on guitars/vocals; the enraged frontman excels with rapidly swift nimbleness, while this bombarding fabrication on ominously ruthless pandemonium showcases this thudding sturdiness & grinding dexterity. "Partitioned By Severity" grooves into a crushing calamity on triggering rhythms that rollick with versatile malevolence; wildly rushing synergy rumbles with this persevering foundation in skyrocketing snarls that rip with shredding maliciousness. Surging with monolithic mayhem; N.'s vocals implement a solid ramification on raspy persistence, roaring with gnarly gutturals & these throaty growls in which resonate with wicked tendencies. While "He That Takes The Soul" strikes with more punchy pursuits on killer laceration hostilities, hastefully steamrolling with tormenting but bulldozing assimilation.

Lux Vexillifer also on guitars frets a blistering but devastating twinning rift on relentlessly volatile density, arming a brimming fabrication on deadly firepower articulate in which sweeps with sulphurous yet primitively slabbing vindication. While "Returns Nothing To Naught" is a brief interlude of symphonic retribution; as darkness, havoc and unrestrained  uproar monolithically surges this rich overdose on organic substance while merging meticulous songwriting vibrancy too. Until "M.S.R." chisels a hefty bombardment on rambunctious piledriving quakes from hammering drummer A.X. who slams with viciously integral combustion engaging this revelling oscillation on groundbreaking crescendos, clobbering into a rampant pummelling while those outer-dimensional howls, bark into a berserking execution.

Xaosforos injects an infectiously venomous thump on steely precision that stomps with pulverizing severity....catchy crunchiness furiously creates an immensely hybrid dynamic of sturdy wickedness. "T.M.I.P.L" radically subjugates salubriously ugly thickness on filthy impact, crafting bellowing but barbaric elements and a groove-bomb collective that will rattle skulls with strong neck-breaking, and bone crushing frenetics on diligently distinguished distinctives on melodious madness. While the penultimate track "N.X.L.Z.F.R" revolves around a concrete consistency on brutalising belting bruisers, experimenting with tribal blast beating bangs in which scour with hardened furocity...establishing a blackened expertise on diabolical but ungodly hellfire intensities.

Overall concluding "Scythed Wings Of Poisonous Decay" with the finale epic: "Raped By Demons/Luziferion;" I am compelled to say that I am infernally fuelled with unholy but evil empowering instrumentation that took me over to unleash death, anarchy and destruction across the lands. NEXUL nail the planet's remains with mephistophelian warfare that  swamp speakers, souls & minds with some of the most deadliest Death Metal nastiness you could ever want. A discovery that most certainly deserves a few spins, while outbursting with quirky snappiness & profusely robust panache that will most surely motivate you right off your feet in no time – to raze & ruin your surroundings, not literally of course...but enough to thrash like a crazed demon out for blood. Check it out, possibly an album of the year contender for sure! Will definitely be on the lookout for future endeavours. A fan has been earned, bravo!

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"Scythed Wings Of Poisonous Decay" Track-listing:

1. Thy Terror
2. Reflected In Glaring Eyes
3. Partitioned By Severity
4. He That Takes The Soul
5. Returns Nothing To Naught
6. M.S.R
7. T.M.I.P.L
8. N.X.L.Z.F.R
9. Raped By Demons / Luziferion

Nexul Lineup:

Xaosforos - Bass
A.X. - Drums
Lux Vexillifer - Guitars
N. Bhairava - Guitars/Vocals

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