Layers Of Lies


Having never heard this band before, but knowing that they had a Thrash/Melodic Death type […]
By Ian Kaatz
August 6, 2005
Darkane - Layers Of Lies album cover

Having never heard this band before, but knowing that they had a Thrash/Melodic Death type sound to them, definitely made me want to write this review. The description I was given about them is extremely accurate, though in my opinion they lean more to the Thrash side, which is a plus for me. This album really stands out to me because it absolutely crushes most of the albums I have heard from this genre. So keep reading!
Darkane's members came from several different musical backgrounds in the Swedish Metal scene. A couple of the members were part of a Power Metal band and the other half coming from a Technical Metal band. They then recorded their first album Rusted Angel. Shortly there after the original vocalist left the band, so the band recruited Andreas Sydow to sing on their sophomore release Insanity. Insanity was the album that really brought attention to them because they ended up playing the sometimes muddled Milwaukee Metal Fest. The members then did some side projects, and reconvened to record Expanding Senses. Various festivals followed this much-heralded release. They then recorded Layers Of Lies, which brings us up to date.
This release is more than likely going to end up in my top ten of the year. This album has everything that albums from this genre should have. Tracks like Second Effects and Organic Canvas are just too awesome, I can't even explain how good these songs are. Easily my favorite part of the album is the chorus from almost each song; the way that the song breaks down into this absolutely perfect sounding area of the song. On the other hand this part is also kind of a downfall because almost every track follows the same structure.
On the whole this album absolutely rips! Even if the structure of the songs is a little too consistent for me at some points. Fans of early In Flames should definitely pick this release up. However, suggestion to Darkane, tour the goddamn U.S. so I can stand in marvel.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect

"Layers Of Lies" Track-listing:

Amnesia Of The Wildoerian Apocalypse
Secondary Effects
Organic Canvas
Fading Dimensions
Godforsaken Universe
Klastrophobic Hibernation
Vision of Degradation
Malestrom Crisis
Decadent Messiah
The Creation Insane

Darkane Lineup:

Andreas Sydow - Vocals
Christofer Malmstrφm - Guitar
Klas Ideberg - Guitar
Jφrgen Lφfberg - Bass
Peter Wildoer - Drums

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