
All Shall Perish

All Shall Perish has signed a world wide deal with Nuclear Blast Records which arranged […]
By Evi Tsitsi
February 4, 2005
All Shall Perish - Hate.Malice.Revenge album cover

All Shall Perish has signed a world wide deal with Nuclear Blast Records which arranged the re-release of this amazing and powerful album. Hate.Malice.Revenge suprised me because, as I was listening to it, I realised that my disappointment about how there aren't any pure Death Metal groups around anymore without having elements from Hardcore or Nu-Metal - for which I don't have any compassion - suddently collapsed and now I feel happy that such groups do exist after all, groups that aren't affected by trends, fashions etc.  
All Shall Perish blasted out of the Bay area scene in 2002 playing at every kind of show you could imagine. They quickly found themselves embraced by every facet of the insanely diverse Bay area music scene from emo to tech Death. In August 2003 a Japanese label called Amputated Vein Records decided to release the first All Shall Perish full length album, Hate.Malice.Revenge. In December 2004 the group signed a world wide deal with Nuclear Blast Records and decided to re-release Hate. Malice. Revenge this year. The group will also spend the remainder of '05 touring and writing their second full length album due for an early '06 release.  
A Death Metal album with very nice set-up and structure. Songs that make your head bang to the rhythm without ending. Everything in this album is loud and up front in the right way. Very tight and powerfull guitar riffs, which nail your brain. Average constructive drums, that discredit the group a bit. The brutal vocals, with a small variety of sneers, links absolutely with the whole image of the group. The varied tempos and beats are another advantage for All Shall Perish. Absolutely an inexorable, relentless and crushing album, perfectly suiting such a Death Metal dynamite.
Songs that raised my interest to a higher lever: Laid To Rest, Never Ending War and Deconstruction.

8 / 10


"Hate.Malice.Revenge" Track-listing:

Laid To Rest
Our Own Grave
The Spreading Disease
Sever The Memory
For Far Too Long...
Never Ending War
Herding The Brainwashed

All Shall Perish Lineup:

Matt - Drums
Beniko Orum - Guitar
Mike Tiner - Bass
Caysen Russo - Guitar
Craig Bett - Vocals

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