The Deluge


You might not be able to tell that DELUGE are a new band, but their […]
By Jacob Dawson
March 6, 2015
Deluge - The Deluge album cover

You might not be able to tell that DELUGE are a new band, but their debut release has a sound to it that oozes depth. Even if you're not a fan of it, you have to respect the variety of sounds crammed into these four songs, and the sheer scale of each one.

Every track feels like a journey of sorts; a nice, calming intro with a piano or some synth, before you're ripped away with a monstrous guitar and some thrashing drums until eventually you approach the end with some keyboards and a generous amount of tempo-changing. The first track "Collapsing Lies" follows this formula the most tightly, with the juxtaposition between the beautifully calm piano and the furious guitar making it possibly the best song of the EP.

"We Are Alone" turns down the tempo with a far heavier sound, after another intro from the piano. It doesn't quite reach the heights of its predecessor, but it does trump the oddly named "Morning Lights Attacked" which features some strangely quiet vocals buried under slightly too much synth. The band have cunningly placed their two strongest tracks at the beginning and end of the EP, giving the listener a good first and lasting impression. "Where You Don't Know" is a very bass-y affair, with the drum machine also pulling its weight in full force. The vocals here are again slightly drowned out by the guitars, but not as badly as in the previous track.
Where "The Deluge" succeeds is in its range of sounds. It features the use of drums, bass, guitars, decent clean vocals from Emir Bortolussi, keyboards, piano, and a good amount of synth. One thing you won't be complaining about is a repetitive sound.

This is another impressive debut release from a new band, who have a definite style to develop. The intertwining of traditional Metal instruments with synth and electronic sounds is not a new idea, but it is a relatively modern one that has plenty of room for experimentation, and I for one am interested to see where it leads DELUGE.

7 / 10


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"The Deluge" Track-listing:

1. Collapsing Lies
2. We Are Alone
3. Morning Lights Attacked
4. Where You Don't Know

Deluge Lineup:

Mirko Maiutto - Songwriter, Mixing, Guitars & Backing Vocals
Emir Bortolussi - Songwriter, Lead Vocals & Backing Vocals
Andrea Dal Col - Songwriter 

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