

NEURONSPOILER hail from London, with a polished old school Heavy Metal sound and some mighty […]
By Dan Mailer
April 6, 2014
Neuronspoiler - Emergence album cover

NEURONSPOILER hail from London, with a polished old school Heavy Metal sound and some mighty riffs and songwriting. The band is really working hard and is about to tour with Jeff Scott Soto in the UK! Their album "Emergence" is a really great example of what the band can do, with lots of great tracks to rock out to.

"Digital Resistance" starts of the album with some chaotic guitars and atmosphere building sounds that serves as a small introductory track to the album. "Through Hell We March" is the first proper track kicking things off with an awesome old school riff, and some truly powerful vocals, supported by nice deep bass sounds and powerful drums. There are some great harmony guitars later on and a nice catchy chorus. "Take The Stage" is an upbeat song with lots of nice complex guitars and a tense sounding chorus, with a lot of cool dynamics and soaring lead vocals. "Irreverent" follows this up with another track full of great moments, with powerful riffage, another cool chorus and great melodic solos!

"Invincible Man" starts off with a really great bass groove before the rest of the band come in, with some super riffage and guitar harmonies. There's a real old school feel to this, and the vocals have got some nice harmonies going on too. This song blends nicely into "Act Of Defiance"'s chugging guitar intro, that then explodes into lots of great lead guitar moments full of harmonies, despite being quite a short instrumental track. "Exempt From Privilege" has a great retro sounding riff with a great feel to it, yet more powerful vocals soaring above the band, with some awesome technical sounding guitar solos here too. In the midsection there's a moment that feels a bit reminiscent to MEGADETH with some spoken word before the band crashes into its mighty chorus again

"Dying Worlds" is more of a ballad, with some nice clean guitars that evolve into some meaty choruses full of distorted tones later on. The songwriting here is really quite strong, with lots of different moments on offer, showing off how well the band moves between different sounds. "(Just A Fool) On Your Way Up" is one of my highlights of the album, with lightning speed riffs, great vocal melodies and a great rhythm section performance. The feel of the song is really great, capturing the old school atmosphere but injecting it with that modern edge it needs in this day and age. "Never Back Down" closes the album in style, with a great stabbing intro, lots of great dynamic moments and a really cool bass guitar moment too. Once again lots of great vocals throughout this song, hopefully making its mark as the end of the album!

The production on the album is immense, nice and clear recording quality meets with great mixing and mastering to give this a really modern edge. The drums sound nice and powerful, guitars full of chunk and grit, the bass has a really nice sound to it and the vocals are a really well mixed.

Overall this is a really strong effort from NEURONSPOILER who should hopefully go on to many successes on the back of this album; there really is plenty on offer here, an album full of old school style with modern bite!

9 / 10

Almost Perfect

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"Emergence" Track-listing:

1. Digital Resistance
2. Through Hell We March
3. Take The Stage
4. Irreverent
5. Invincible Man
6. Act Of Defiance
7. Exempt From Privilege
8. Dying Worlds
9. (Just A Fool) On Your Way Up
10. Never Back Down

Neuronspoiler Lineup:

JR - Vocals
Dave del Cid - Guitar
Dave Shirman - Guitar
Erick Tekilla - Bass
Tim Barclay - Drums

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