Electric Mountain Majesty

Mos Generator

BLACK SABBATH fan or not, listen in on modern Heavy Rock stalwarts MOS GENERATOR, who […]
By Daniel Fox
March 27, 2014
Mos Generator - Electric Mountain Majesty album cover

BLACK SABBATH fan or not, listen in on modern Heavy Rock stalwarts MOS GENERATOR, who are soon to release their latest full-length in their respectable discography. Aptly described by journalists as a fusion between Soul and Doom, the SABBATH influences are rife within this rocking and jiving 3-piece band from Washington, with vocals that strangely remind me of KING'S X.

"Beyond the Whip" has a very strong classic Heavy Metal vibe to it, straight from the annals of BLACK SABBATH and Di'Anno-era IRON MAIDEN. The music is thick, chunky and growling, and Tony performs a solid and powerful baritone delivery. The constant drive of the rhythm arrangements subtly dip down in tempo from time to time, but always climb up a jagged cliff, only to topple off again, like a series of beating waves. "Nothing Left but Night" was a perfect choice to follow, with riffs very deep-seated in catchy, but heavy grooves; a little PANTERA here, perhaps? Surely enough, the droning groove picks up to more aggressive speeds with creative ramp-ups and crescendos.

"Neon Nightmare" is a dirge-paced, Doom-and-gloom shamble through a SABBATH-ian soundscape, with heavily warped chord progressions and guitar-keyboard melodies. The mixing allows for the simplicity of the riffs to convey a different kind of heavy; one that weighs on your head and shoulders and grooves you into a daydream. In a dramatic, sonic turn of events, the band arrives in the realm of hazy Stoner / Doom with "Black Magic Mirror"; if the song title doesn't already give that away. The fuzz on the bass and guitars is on full-blast with the drums providing more of a subatomic, rhythmic pulse, underlying the hypnotic vocal delivery. In fact, the entire track is hypnotic.

MOS GENERATOR, at least on this album, were a hard band to get into, but I was eventually able to appreciate the songwriting. Getting past the basic, rudimentary classic Heavy Metal jive, I noticed a smart, evolutionary trajectory down the tracklist, as if the songs were riding a long a gradient.

8 / 10


"Electric Mountain Majesty" Track-listing:

1. Beyond the Whip
2. Nothing Left but Night
3. Enter the Fire
4. Spectres
5. Neon Nightmare
6. Breaker
7. Early Mourning
8. Electric Mountain Majesty
9. Black Magic Mirror
10. Heavy Ritual

Mos Generator Lineup:

Tony Reed - Guitar, Vocals, Keyboards
Shawn Johnson - Drums
Scooter Haslip - Bass

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