

DECOMPOSED is another Swedish Death Metal project that has recently entered the Metal world. "Devouring" […]
By Eddie "Deaddie" McConnaughy
March 15, 2014
Decomposed - Devouring album cover

DECOMPOSED is another Swedish Death Metal project that has recently entered the Metal world. "Devouring" is their second full length album. It has all the heaviness, darkness, and gory concepts that we know and love about Death Metal. They do throw in some melody, but really just enough to compliment what they are doing. Although these guys are not mortician like with the brutal, they are as brutal as any Death Metal fan would want.

The vocals are all harsh on this album. That is ok, their music certainly doesn't call for or need clean vocals. The guitar work is a medley of sick riffs, dark eerie riffs, and even some nice solos here and there. The drum work, although not crazy lightning fast, still is pretty awesome. There is plenty of double bass, as well as blast beats. Yes, these guys are pure death metal. Over all the band is right on. You can tell these guys took the time to perfect their art. Their sound isn't really that repetitive either, which is a big plus in my book.

All in all I enjoyed the album. It didn't bore me halfway through. The general ambience is a dark Death Metal sound that I think any Death Metal fan would enjoy. And even though they aren't one of those crazy over the top Death acts, they are still plenty heavy and have earned their right to be called Death Metal. I give these guys an 8/10.

8 / 10


"Devouring" Track-listing:

1. Devouring
2. Bloodsoaked Disarray
3. Abysmal Descent
4. Voices of Endless Decay
5. Boiling Blood
6. Ode to the End
7. From the Darkness
8. Decomposition

Decomposed Lineup:

Jesper Ekstål - Lead Guitar, Vocals
Jim Mattsson - Drums
Micke Holmbom - Rhythm Guitar
Joachim Lyngfelt - Bass

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