Moshemian Thrashody

Insanity Alert

This five man band known as INSANITY ALERT are from Innsbruck/Tyrol, Austria as they have […]
August 6, 2024

This five man band known as INSANITY ALERT are from Innsbruck/Tyrol, Austria as they have been rocking around and have been on the thrash metal scene for over a decade since they formed all the way back in 2011. The band were built from the start with long standing members who found the band, they were vocalist KEVIN STOUT aka HEAVY KEVY,  guitarist DAVE FURTSCHEGGER aka  THE DEAVE OF DEATH and fellow guitarist PHILLIPP GIMPL aka THE INPHILTRATOR. They can also be heard to be a crossover band that certainly draws inspiration from bands like SUICIDAL TENDACIES and MUNICIPAL WASTE, two very familiar bands for those who worship these two bigtime thrash metal bands both hailing from the USA.

They can only be described as a very ambitious band as they were seen as “adrenaline junkies had a different, more dangerous type of shredding in mind” as this overview went on to say that “their destructive appetite for 80’s crossover thrash is only rivalled by an unquenchable third for ice cold beer”. Their debut release which was just a demo in 2012, titled FIRST DIAGNOSIS had six tracks in total, after this came a an EP in 2013 titled SECOND OPINION which contained also another six tracks, their demo in 2012 also included a cover of RUN TO THE PIT (original by IRON MAIDEN). The year after the EP was out, 2014 was another year to mark for the band as they released their debut self-titled album containing a whopping fifteen tracks altogether.

Their debut album received a lot of positive reviews and this certainly gave them the motivation to record their next album, which was released in 2016, titled MOSHBURGER which had a further fifteen tracks to listen to and get your ears stuck into. After this album received so much praise, the band were ready to get back into the studio to record and release their third album to date in 2019 which was titled 666-PACK which was their longest album also with a total of twenty one tracks. Certainly this band is not to be messed around with as they released a single in 2020, but it wouldn’t have been for another few years that they got to recording their latest EP MOSHEMIAN THRASODY which came out this year.

As this EP has four tracks, it should also be mentioned each track is basically a parody of four very familiar tracks originally written by four bands or solo artists, who are QUEEN, IRON MAIDEN, GUNS ‘N’ ROSES and GEORGE MICHAEL. So let’s get right into this EP starting with “Welcome To The Moshpit” as we hear smacking of drums with a sliding guitar part before we really go into the nitty gritty. Even some of the guitar riffs are similar enough to the original song written by GUNS ‘N’ ROSES and the lyrics too, as this is such a great rendition in the form of a parody cover of the original. However the first section has so much of the thrash metal influence with twister guitar riffs with that tremolo and distortion effect.

So onto the next track which is “Beer In The Park” as we hear a gradual but quick crescendo of guitar and vocals to begin with, then drums do come in after another few bars with all guns blazing for some almighty thrash metal madness as the pace is really picked up after this. The song itself is a fitting tribute to the band IRON MAIDEN who wrote the original version of this song, as this track is another parody which certainly has so much density with drums and bass as well as lead guitar, the vocals are lashing out all those high end notes. Even lead guitar has some solo riffs in there later on,  as we hear some backing vocals also being included and quick double time stabs of drums. Then drums lead a running charge for the end of this track.

“Beerless Fiesta” is the third track as we hear a cool count in being shouted out and then straight into a full on ensemble of all instruments as we hear a pretty cool parody of a song originally done by GEORGE MICHAEL as guitar riffs with cymbal hits start it off. Vocals then come in quickly to cue in the drums and guitar do well to give vocals a short time to themselves, as well as this we hear monstrous vocals barking and biting their way through this track. There is a focus on drums where they smack even harder with vocals also complimenting the drums skills of setting the tempo up and sticking with it all the way through. After another phase of hardcore and rough drums, sensational guitar riffs and thick vocal parts, we come to the final track of this EP.

“Moshemian Thrashody” is the last parody track of this as we hear an alternative version of QUEEN’S classic song BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY even the high end vocals at the start with different lyrics really stands out before guitars load up more ammo for pumping out those heavy distorted riffs. So fast and quick, this one hell of a track to finish on a high, has lots of appealing qualities to this track, even drums/guitars play along with vocals even in parts of the song in comparison to the original arrangement. This is really a thrash metal alter ego to the original song, just stupendous and a real kick in the teeth as well as being in your face with a crude attitude.

 As we come to the end, a short radio transmission is the final curtain on this short enough EP, altogether a very impressive collection of parody versions of classic songs. The changes that were made and with the arrangement as well is so innovative and creative but also has so much of that real enjoyment but having fun is the real objective here in this EP. So do check these guys out, they have a lot of other releases from before and they are certainly not going anywhere for now so watch out for these thrash metal maniacs as they are ready to blow your socks off and give you pure entertainment for those who love alternative versions of classic songs.

7 / 10









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"Moshemian Thrashody" Track-listing:

1. Welcome To The Moshpit

2. Beer In The Park 

3. Beerless Fiesta

4. Moshemian Thrashody

Insanity Alert Lineup:

Heavy Kevy - Vocals

The Dave Of Death - Guitars

The Inphiltrator - Guitars

Slapmaster Puke - Bass Guitar

Don Melanzani - Drums

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