
Marty Friedman

Marty Friedman of course ex Megadeth guitarist in the 90's has over several decades released […]
June 20, 2024

Marty Friedman of course ex Megadeth guitarist in the 90's has over several decades released a lot of solo albums that have covered a lot of musical genres and sounds. From Japanese music to straight forward metal. Also guest appearances on albums from Fozzy and Nita Srauss just to name a few. Apart from Megadeth Marty was a member of Tourniquet and Cacophony. ”Drama” is Marty Friedman's Eighteenth solo album (Source Wikipedia) his first for Frontiers Music which also features appearances from Mika Maruki (Piano and Keyboards) and HIyori Okuda (Cello) who are from Marty's Japanese live band ,with singer Chris Brooks from the band Like A Storm appearing on the track “Dead Of Winter” whilst the Spanish version “2 Rebeldes” features Steven Baquero.

Drama” is a mainly instrumental album/record which makes a change for me as I have not listened to one in a while. ”Illumination” starts this album which has a nice chilled out melody with the piano and guitar very prominent through out the track, then the rest of the band kick in, it allows your mind to wonder with Marty Friedman homing in on his wonderful craft of runs and solos making this track an atmospheric masterpiece of music. ”Song For A Eternal Child” and “Triumph” carry on in the same sort of vain more cello and violin are added to make very emotional tracks which build into a spectacular pieces of music. ”Thrill City” moves away from that classical emotional side of this album ,a more fast tempo heavier track its very catchy hooks and melodies, a feel good track for sure, ”Deep End” has a beautiful piano melody which just draws you in and captivates you, with a brilliant guitar solo and rhythm section.

”Dead Of Winter” the first track featuring vocals is a great power ballad Chris Brooks delivers a great vocal which is backed with a great melody, arrangement very catchy ear worm track. ”Mirage”, ”Prayer” and “Tearful Confession” are more slower tracks which have a more bluesy feel, more moody ,the emotion shines through in Marty's style of guitar playing. ”Icicles” has a more melodic style, feel and dramatic feel to it which adds variety to this record.”2 Rebeldes” the Spanish version of “Dead Of Winter” features Steven Baquero which sounds just as good as the English version, a great powerful finish to this album.

Drama” is a great listen, a perfect album in every way, which made a great change for me. Marty Friedman's guitar playing (and I say this as a music lover not a guitar player) is superb the technical ability you can hear is phenomenal and it blew me away, that also goes for the musicians that accompany him on this album world class! Any guitarists out there who listen to this album will be in awe. The sound and production sound so good too on this album whether you listen on headphones or speakers it has a powerful presence which all music lovers would appreciate. It Will be played for a long time to come by myself and now I've heard this, its one of my favourite albums of the year without question.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"Drama" Track-listing:


2.Song For An Eternal Child

3.Triumph (Official Version)

4.Thrill City

5.Deep End

6.Dead Of Winter (English Version)


8.A Prayer


10.Tearful Confession


12.2 Rebeldes (Dead Of Winter) (Spanish Version)

Marty Friedman Lineup:

Marty Friedman – Guitar

Wakazaemon – Bass

Gregg Bissonette – Drums

MIka Maruki – Piano,Keyboard And Syth

HIyori Okuda – Cello

MIho Chigyo – Violin

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