Ultra Violence

Wolves Of Perdition

WOLVES OF PERDITON’s “Ultra Violence” is a nice surprise for this humble reviewer. As it happens, I’ve been reviewing more doom and death than black metal this year but this one is an standout for the genre so far this year as far as I’m concerned.

WOLVES OF PERDITION is a black metal band from Finland who formed in 2017. “Ultra Violence” is their second full-length album. Finland’s death meal supremacy and their melancholic misery are two things that are well known and well earned. However, what about Finnish black metal? It’s just as legendary and WOLVES OF PERDITION are here to help keep the modern scene alive and well. “Ultra Violence” offers up an ultra violent (obviously) soundtrack to the demise of humanity. There isn’t anything on this album that could be called original but the songs are crafted so damn well in whatever hellfire these demons conjured up. This is an album of balances and the band nails it in all aspects. The atmosphere is there but it definitely isn’t an album that would be labeled atmo black. It’s melodic but only when it needs too—-the songs are based in old school rage and brimming with misanthropy. But the band doesn’t mind bringing out a bit of melodic flourish.

The album opens with the intro “Must Kill Them All,” which is a little disturbing and horrific but the truly adventure begins with “Forest of the Impaled.” The opening riffs are fantastic and within about 20 seconds, the whole band digs deep and carves up the earth with truly fantastically written black metal. There is just enough melody and groove to keep the song from being stagnant–it doesn’t hurt either that the band plows through it at a blistering pace. “The Worst Of Us,” isn’t quite as speedy but it’s destructive properties are no less potent. This one is a bit more potent, mixing more atmospheric tendencies with rapid fire aggression. The drumming is one fire, building the foundation on which the song thrives yet offers up enough capability on its own. The surprisingly melodic solo near the end is very well placed and makes more sense than you would think.

Rain of Blood Ashes” is one of my favorites on the album—the guitars ride the line between heavy and melodic. Their desire to not comment to either style helps boost the song into less predictable waters, making it an eargasm for the listener. Around the 2:55 mark, some of that aforementioned Finnish melancholy arrives and it fits their sound better than I thought it would. The album ends on “Tuomio” which is a five minute fire ball. I wish more black metal bands used deeper vocals, like the ones featured in the song’s opening moments. The music and vocals seem to be at a duel to see which one can obtain a higher body count. As the minute tick up, so does the rampant fervor and by the time the song ended I was mentally exhausted. Fantastic.

WOLVES OF PERDITON’s “Ultra Violence” is a nice surprise for this humble reviewer. As it happens, I’ve been reviewing more doom and death than black metal this year but this one is an standout for the genre so far this year as far as I’m concerned.

8 / 10









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"Ultra Violence " Track-listing:
  1. Must Kill Them All
  2. Forest of the Impaled
  3. Death Machine
  4. The Worst of Us
  5. Rain of Blood & Ashes
  6. The Funeral Hymn
  7. Tuomio
Wolves Of Perdition Lineup:

Khal'Uzi 666 - Drums
Varjo - Vocals, Bass

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