Neutralize the Threat

Earth Crisis

Some things and situations need the appropriate time to be exposed and finally given to […]
By Nikos Makropoulos
July 25, 2011
Earth Crisis - Neutralize the Threat album cover

Some things and situations need the appropriate time to be exposed and finally given to people. In some occasions the results are not the ones you are hopping for but most of the times the given result in higher than your expectations.

This appropriate and precise time has come for Earth Crisis to spread the word once more, reminding to all hardcore and metalcore fans what it takes to play decent and honest music, straight from the heart, detached and uncompromising, proving their value and giving a big breath of life to the seemingly slow dying genre of metalcore, from boring releases and wannabe attitudes!

Their latest statement "Neutralize the threat" has nothing to prove to anyone, for they don't need to. From their first monumental release of "All Out War" EP, until their latest one they were always and still are on the first line, protesting and daring acts that the rest of the bands still aren't capable of, without false intentions, without fake and wannabe attitude, giving always new meaning to the genre since they were formed.

For everyone who's had enough of listening to proven tired and overestimated metalcore bands like Hatebreed and others, here is the chance to listen to some loyal and real metalcore/hardcore tunes coming straight out of our common lives and from the bleeding world we all live in.

Tracks like "100-Kiloton Blast" and "By Conscience Compelled" made me shiver and woke memories to me when I first listened "Gomorrah's Season End" delivering me the same satisfaction and pleasure to my ears. Without fancy and tricky stuff, Earth Crisis introduce us to the real world, show its real problems, protesting one more time against those who overlook those issues and scream out the root of all this evil, towards animal cruelty and environmental rape.

Needless to say more, for I am sure that the metalcore fans have already listened to it, and they have enjoyed it, like I did. For those who are not familiar with the band, make yourselves a favor and listen to "Neutralize the Threat", listen how pure metalcore is played by its own innovators and pioneers.

Frankly, above and beyond any rank, 'cause simply releases like this one CANNOT BE RATED, so I have to rank it as a masterpiece, though this scoring is so meaningless...


10 / 10


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"Neutralize the Threat" Track-listing:

1. Raise
2. Neutralize the threat
3. Total war
4. 100 kiloton blast
5. Counterstrike
6. By conscience compelled
7. Black talons tear
8. Askari
9. The eradicators
10. Raze

Earth Crisis Lineup:

Ian "Bulldog" Edwards - Bass
Scott Crouse - Guitar
Erick Edwards - Guitar
Karl Buechner - Vocals
Dennis Merrick - Drums

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