
No Terror In The Bang

Although the album might be too strange for most Metalheads, I found that it has both depth, and character, and was one of the more unusual albums I have heard in a while.
January 9, 2024

NO TERROR IN THE BANG is a Progressive Metal/Cinematic Metal band. It weave a chiaroscuro universe between fragility and fury. The band's name refers to a phrase by Alfred Hitchcock, evoking the calm before the storm and the tension of his films: "There is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it." The band's songs alternate between dreams and nightmares, turbulence and frenzy.

“Hostile” is first. Both the guitar riffs and the vocals have an edge to them, and you can also pick up on the nightmare elements, as well as the dreamy ones. The music goes from sweet and subtle to angry at the turn of a dime. “Retch” has sturdier structures out of the gate, along with some Djent/electronic accents. Again, the verses are somewhat tender but the chorus takes a much darker turn, all the while, these Progressive elements keep the listener on their toes. “Monster” has smooth and easy tones in the beginning, and with the piano almost has a Pop quality to it…except for the personal oddness. That’s the only way I can think to describe the music.

“Lulled by the Waves” also has playful tones that are backed with a good deal of tension, and when it comes out, it threatens to overwhelm you. Given the song title, I’d say it’s akin to underestimating the deadly power of the ocean. “Palindrome” has touching and gentle tones, and you begin to get pulled into Sofia’s vocals. Again however, in the background lurks a deadly snake ready to bite. “OD” swings the other direction, with a weighted electronic sound complimented by harsh vocals. The sound is quite dissonant and hateful. When she breathes shallowly after the half-way mark, it sound like she is dying. The title track hints at the power that healing can have in one’s life. It’s emotive, and cathartic.

“King with no crown” is as mysterious as the title, and the combination of the tender and sublime with the hate and anger dominate the sound. “Warrior” closes the album. Does the culminating song reflect the end resolve of the band?  First, I have to ask myself, do I hear NO DOUBT vibes in the music, or is it just because they have a female singer? I’m not sure in the end. Although the album might be too strange for most Metalheads, I found that it has both depth, and character, and was one of the more unusual albums I have heard in a while.  

8 / 10









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"Heal" Track-listing:

1. Hostile

2. Retch

3. Insolent

4. Monster

5. Lulled by the waves

6. Palindrome

7. OD

8. Heal

9. King with no crown

10. Warrior


No Terror In The Bang Lineup:

Clément Bernard – Guitar

Sofia Bortoluzzi – Vocals

Brice Bouchard – Bass

Etienne Cochin – Guitar

Alexis Damien – Drums, Keys, Orchestration

Romain Greffe – Piano, Keys, Orchestration


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