FORGOTTEN & SLEASZY RIDER: Raising Money for Turkey Earthquake.

Turkish doom/death veterans Forgotten, together with Greek record label Sleaszy Rider SRL, will donate money […]
February 9, 2023

Turkish doom/death veterans Forgotten, together with Greek record label Sleaszy Rider SRL, will donate money raised from pre-orders of their upcoming "13 Martyrs" album re-release to AFAD, Turkey's disaster and emergency management authority. For each pre-order until 10 March, €3 will be donated to AFAD.

Place your order here:

Those who would rather support the AFAD organisation directly are welcome to transfer money to the organisation's bank account listed below.

USD : TR 46 0001 0017 4555 5555 5552 05
EURO : TR 19 0001 0017 4555 5555 5552 06
Swift Code: TCZBTR2A

Tolis G. Palantzas, Founder and Managing Director of Sleaszy Rider SRL, said: "Our hearts are broken from the unbelievable tragedy in Turkey due to this week's earthquake. After the first shock, we realised that the survivors need support from all of us. So we decided the following action: On 10 March 2023 we will re-release "13 Martyrs" of Turkish doom/death metallers Forgotten and in collaboration with the band, we will offer 3 Euro from each sold CD to AFAD, the official governmental organisation, which is responsible for natural disasters. You can buy the album now from our pre-order campaign we run already and we will transfer the money to AFAD's amount by 10 March, or earlier if a satisfactory amount has been raised by then. If you don't want to support our idea, you are free to help directly AFAD, transferring some money to their bank account."

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